Lady Scarlet - Lashes Of Pleasure (Mobile)

370k views • 2024.06.06

Tags: whipping, female domination, double domination, flogging, executrix mistress lady scarlet, mistress gaia, femdom, female supremacy, whiplash, corporal punishment, executrix, powerful women, goddesses, corporal bdsm, perfect bodies, my friend, on the bed, i no, italian language, lady, pleasure, mobile, language, two, bed, slave, tied, friend, gaia, perfect, sensual, movements, whips, thin, start, hitting, insulting, marks, flesh, punish, wanking, done, about, blows, screams, pain, high, gives, frustate, due, dee, schiavo, legato, mia, amica, con, le, solo, sua, per, seghe, che, dolore, sono, hd, version, testing, italian

Description: Italian language two goddesses on the bed, this is what he sees, our slave tied to the grate: my friend gaia and i provoke him with our perfect bodies, our sensual movements, but he will only be allowed contact with our whips. with two thin and sharp whips we start hitting and insulting him, the marks begin to appear on his flesh while we punish him for all the wanking he's done thinking about us. in a crescendo of blows, we end up whipping him in unison, the screams of pain are high-pitched until he gives in and he asks for forgiveness. frustate di piacere due dee sul letto, questo vede lo schiavo legato alla grata: io e la mia amica gaia lo provochiamo con i nostri corpi perfetti, le nostre movenze sensuali, ma gli sarà concesso solo il contatto con le nostre fruste. con due frustini sottili e affilati iniziamo a colpirlo e insultarlo, i segni iniziano a comparire sulla sua carne mentre lo puniamo per tutte le seghe che si è fatto pensando a noi. in un crescendo di colpi, finiamo per frustarlo all’unisono, le urla di dolore sono acute finchè non cede e chiede perdono. hd version similar testing your resistance

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