The 'Be Confident Now! ' Service (Biting)

104k views • 2024.01.05

Tags: neck fetish, vampire, mental domination, throat fetish, fantasies cannibal fantasies, biting, girl, at the door, in front of, full hd, kitchen table, business meeting, make an appointment, e girls, in front, she finish, she finishes, her room, her friend, friend a, walks in, vampire eleonore, confident, service, pamela, morning, coffee, friend, ammalia, kitchen, table, partner, valerie, room, dressed, work, attack, front, leaves, apartment, business, meeting, help, online, site, training, phone, appointment, eleonore, standing, agency, looks, confused, scared, bites, draining, great, pleasure, walks, stare, freeze, place, falls, floor, minutes, hungry, drain, back, home, shouts, dinner, ready, looking, sexy, neck, turns, run, met, holds, wrists, angry, new, ending, full, hd, english, social media

Description: Pamela is having morning coffee with her friend ammalia at the kitchen table, pamela’s partner valerie comes into the room dressed for work. she verbally attack and threatens pamela in front of ammalia. valerie leaves the apartment for a business meeting and ammalia tries to help pamela and suggesting she find an online site that offers assertiveness training. pamela finds a service on her phone and calls to make an appointment. immediately there is a knock at the door, and eleonore is standing there – she is from the assertiveness training agency. she asks to be invited in and after eleonore briefly looks pamela over (pamela is very confused and scared), she bites pamela and begins draining her with great pleasure. ammalia walks into the room and is horrified, but eleonore uses her stare to freeze her in place while she finishes draining pamela who falls to the floor. eleonore then advances on ammalia and bites her too.  after a few minutes, pamela re-awakens, now a viscious, hungry vampire and joins eleonore as they both hungrily drain ammalia. valerie comes back home from work and shouts for pamela wondering when dinner will be ready. pamela emerges from another room looking very sexy in black. she assures valerie dinner will be “very soon, ” and lunges at valerie biting her neck. valerie backs away and turns to run, but is met by the vampire eleonore who grabs valerie and holds her as pamela, now joined by the newly turned ammalia advance and begin to drain valerie, alternately biting her neck and wrists, all the girls are now angry vampires and they will need new pray soon because their hungry is never ending full hd english

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