Description: Since you said you couldn't hang out today, we are doing a little web camming instead. but shortly into our session, i hear my neighbor calling me over. i excuse myself to check on what he wants and return slightly flustered. you are positive but appears i am blushing even! i explain what my neighbor (who i used to have a crush on i tell you) needed from me and admit i got a little emotional. but as i am trying to control my excitement, i end up sending myself into a fainting spell. my eyes roll back and i fall back stiff as a board. my pantyhose clad feet fly up into the air before falling out of veiw with the rest of my fainted body. soon i come too, and realize you have seen the whole thing, , though i'm not really sure what happened.. we go back to chatting until i hear my neighbor again, i look over and see he is shirtless and his muscles are glistening in the sun. you can clearly see my heart is a flutter as i run off to meet with him again. but you wait for me. and again i return, more emotional then before. i tell you all about my time with my neighbor again. and again i become so overheated and flustered that i faint, just like before. this continues over and over again, with me leaving and returning, telling you about my growing feelings for my neighbor , only to work myself up into a tizzy again until i faint in front of you. clearly my attentions are shifting to my neighbor, , yet you just keep watching the cam and hearing all about it. maybe you just like watching me get flustered and faint ;) ©daphneysugarrose