Remember The Talk We Had

167k views • 2024.02.05

Tags: used, rough sex, free use, make me cum, the, talk, we, free, use, bound, submissive, daddy, enjoys, having, me, spread, out, on, bondage, bench, for, to, as, edging, fun, this, entire, session, was, over, 4, he, by, and, my, holes, then, go, off, leaving, lying, there, wet, needy, until, came, back, round, tease, giving, rough, sexy, time, not, cum, make, in, a, throat, slapped, around, his, cock, down, walk, it, so, hot, next, or, when, decided, ready, dump, load, comment, at, how, finished, that, feel, like, of, reality, because, using, toy, blindfold

Description: Free use bound submissive: Daddy enjoys having me spread out on the bondage bench for him to casually use as edging fun for himself. This entire session was over 4 hours! He would come by and use my holes then go off and do something else leaving me lying there wet and needy until he came back for another round. He would tease me by giving me rough sexy time and not letting me cum, then would make me cum several times in a row. He gave me throat hugs and slapped me around. Sometimes he would come by and shove his cock down my throat and then walk away. It was so hot, not knowing what would come next or when. This went on until he decided he was ready to dump a load on me. I comment at the end about how much he finished and that I feel like it a sign of success, when in reality it’s because he edged himself using me as a free use toy.

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